If the idea of a single baby isn’t exciting enough for you, then ArtUrlThis mod can result in triplets, quintuplets, and sextuplets, so make sure you have plenty of room in your house for your potentially massive new family. As a point of note, this won’t result in a ghost baby, but due to the miracle of childbirth will instead give you an actual newborn to take care of. With ghosts being able to have relationships and get married, it seems the logical next step was to have those same ghosts get pregnant. Always use caution when installing mods to your game. This mod removes the blur effect that covers a Sim when Showering, Using the Washroom, and Breastfeeding. Modder PolarBearSims is the mind behind the Ghost Can Have Babies! mod, so direct any and all disapproving glances at them. Moxiemason over at Mod The Sims has released a No Mosaic/Censor Mod. Depending on your grip on the delicate nature of gaming realism, you might be curious to see ghosts having babies. strategie dramatic tremurnd The Sims 4: Remove White Outline Mod SimsVIP Sceptic nalt Strainul 3 Ways to Make Sims Uncensored - wikiHow buzunar Nailon.